Gentlemens Club

    Formed in 2011, from Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

    Member since: 26 May 2012

    Genres:Pop, Indie


    �Charismatic, upbeat indie-pop hailing from just outside the vibrant city of Cambridge, England, Gentlemen�s Club are set apart from the wave of Foals/Maccabees copy-cat bands that surround them, because it is almost impossible for the quartet to sound particularly anything like any band before them. Gentlemen�s Club lack the key dominant instrument in rock/indie music; a guitar. The dominating instrument that they do have, however, is a ukulele � which more than makes up for it. After playing numerous venues in Southern England that range from Oxfordshire to Essex, with a relentless assault on the country�s capital somewhere in between, the band have established quite a following for themselves. It�s All Indie were captivated by their energetic performance at The Square in Harlow, and it was that night we realised that Gentlemen�s Club are a young band that need to be taken very seriously in the indie music scene. �Everything In Colour� is the most unique indie-pop record we�ve heard for a long while; almost reminiscent of the first time you heard Bloc Party. Slate The Disco�s EP of the month (March 2012) certainly lived up to the hype that surrounded it, spawning three energetic tracks that feature the original yet poppy-sounding polish that Gentlemen�s Club have crafted themselves. It�s no surprise we are not the only blog that are handing out favourable reviews to Gentlemen�s Club, the four-piece who�s idiosyncratic take on indie music will surely entail huge success in the years the come.� - It�s All Indie Magazine

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